Turkish Women
Developing the
World: While
women entrepreneurs create
significant economic value
with the technologies and
business model innovations
they develop, they also make
society and the world more
beautiful. https://webrazzi.com/2022/03/08/dunyayi-kalkindiran-turk-kadin-girisimciler
NTV Joint Program |
Lightway Founder Hümeyra
Ergin: Lightway's
Founder Hümeyra Ergin, in
the Joint program hosted by
Alp Kırşan; He met with fund
managers Atıl Erken, Barış
Özistek and Altan Küçükçınar
for partnership. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=1vo6g7SS1mk
World Intellectual
Property Day 26 April -
Bilgi Patent:
At the very center of the
World Intellectual Property
Organization. The next
generation of innovators,
creators, entrepreneurs and
policy makers. https://bilgipatent.com/dunya-fikri-mulkiyet-gunu/
Are street lights
becoming history?:
We talked about this
technology with Lightway,
which produces the first and
only self-charging floor
that minimizes accidents
that may occur in case of
sudden power outage in the
dark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lesJtWAtMbQ
Digital Angle:
Digital Angle Episode 8 is
with you, with Arvento
Mobile Systems General
Manager Özer Hıncal,
Lightway Founding Partner
Hümeyra Ergin, Pusula Ai
Founding Partner Yasemin
Oğuz as guests.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ftqObtH2bE